Friday, May 11, 2012

Goodbye North Cakalaki, Hello Florida...

Time to end one chapter and start a new one. It's May 11th and I leave for Florida in 4 days. Gulp. Between my final exams and my great expedition to WDW I have done countless hours of organizing and packing, saying goodbye to friends and family, had my car worked on my braces off! Whoo! Two and a half years of waiting and it's finally over :) 

I had business near-by so I got to spend one last night at old St. Andies and my friends and I made sure it didn't go to waste. We started off by celebrating my departure, then went to one of my schools "stress busters" - Grocery Store Bingo. While, usually, you are unable to get a prize more than twice, I managed to walk away with four bags of candy that I didn't need.

While I am super excited to make new friends of all walks of life in Orlando, I am definitely going to miss my SAPC friends.

Next Stop: Walt Disney World :)

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