Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Once Upon A Time...Is Now"

So, this blog might not be my best, I'm fighting falling asleep. While I've only been here two days, I've done more in those two days than I've done in a LOOONNNGGG time. So I guess I'll start at the beginning...

This first day was check in. This involves standing outside Vista Wayyy, one of the apartment complexes on the property at 6 A.M. Normally, I would have had an issue with being awake that early but I had already had a bit of excitement. One of the forms of I.D. that you have to show is either a birth certificate or your social security card. Without it, it's basically "well, hope you enjoy your ride home!" I realized at about 5 A.M. that I didn't have either...Begin heart attack. Luckily, there was a miracle and I found a copy of my social in an old wallet. YAY!

After we started getting ushered into the building, we signed 5,000 forms, took our I.D. pictures (Mine is above) and started roommate assignments. Three of my friends and I were planning on getting a two
bedroom apartment. We got one, went to get out keys and it was unavailable. Great. So back to the computer. No more two bedrooms available. So we split up and took one bedroom rooms. I had seen layouts of rooms and videos of CP's rooms on youtube but what I saw when I walked in was awful. The living room, kitchen and bedroom, put together, was the same size of my dorm room. Seriously. The bathroom was only a toilet that ran for ten minutes after it was used and a shower that didn't drain. I was so claustrophobic I couldn't think.

Today was our housing meeting. I woke up a couple minutes early to call the housing service and see if we could get moved. It was questionable. While they have the apartments, some of them are getting renovated and some are already reserved for the next arrival group, which numbers around 500 new CP's coming. Yea. Because my claustrophobia was getting so bad they made it a priority to get us a new room. Somehow, a two bedroom magically appeared all of the sudden so my roommate, Gracie, and I went to ask our friends Jade and Heather if they wanted to move with us. Welcome longest day ever. We moved the four of us down three flights of stairs and across the compound in 90 degree Florida sunshine.

Our new apartment is AMAZING! It's one of the largest two bedrooms at Chatham! We all couldn't be happier. Pictures below :)

My side of the HUGE bedroom

Gracie and my bathroom and walk-in closet

Tomorrow is Traditions, the intro to the parks and workplace. We get our infamous name tags, access to staff only places and the parks. Hello Disney World!!!

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